Brainwaves Books
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Who We Are
And how to contact us

Allen D BragdonAllen Bragdon
The whimsical old dog with puzzle experience and a curious mind.
Member of the Society for Neuroscience. Founding Editor of Games magazine, Editor of Playspace daily puzzle column formerly syndicated internationally by the New York Times. Author of dozens of books of professional and academic examinations and how-to instructions in practical skills. Director, The BrainWaves Center.

David GamonDavid Gamon, PhD
The researcher, author and teacher in the cognitive sciences.
David was raised in a peripatetic Foreign Service family, and grew up in Martinique, Liberia, Swaziland, South Africa, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. He studied German literature at Reed College and cognitive science at U.C. Berkeley, where he received his Ph.D. in Linguistics in 1997.

In addition to collaborating with Allen Bragdon on the Brainwaves book series, he serves as contributing writer to ScienceIQ, a science news and information e-mail subscription service, and to the ScienceMaster science education site, winner of the National Academy Press’s “Coolest Science Site” award. He also works as a professional translator. His current projects include books about the brain’s construction of sensory reality, humor and the brain, psychopathy, and the evolution of language. David lives in Oakland, California.

You can contact him by email at

Building Mental Muscle
Building Mental Muscle
Over 230,000 copies sold
in the USA alone, plus translations into 14 languages worldwide.

Brains that Work a Little Bit Differently
Brains That Work a Little
Bit Differently

2nd best seller. Used in college Psychology courses. ADHD, Left Handedness, Autism, DejaVu, Child Geniuses

Building Left-Brain Power
Building Left-Brain

It handles the details, like language skills. Every-day tips to use what you learn. Mental exercises that, when done, release serotonin, a feel-good hormone.

Learn Faster and Remember More Learn Faster &
Remember More

Three guides in one: How skills develop and are maintained through life: 1. Womb to adolescence; 2. Professional Years; 3. Slowing down the slowing down
Brain Building Games Brain Building Games
With Words & Numbers

Skill-graded challenges: easy to hard, logic, numbers, crypto-visual plus tricks to maximize performance in every one (176 of them). Another top seller.
Use It or Lose It Use It or Lose It!
As the mind matures it begins to lose essential abilities unless.... it is forced to work. Then it builds connections again into old age.
Exercises for the Whole Brain Exercises for the
Whole Brain
A breast-pocket full of visual mental-teasers to work out in spare moments. Now in 13 languages. Especially good for designers and creative thinkers.
Right Brain TeasersRight-Brain Teasers
How many of these photos of 60 old-time, household artifacts can you figure out how they worked and what they were used for? This taps the visual-spatial skills in your right brain. (Men are surprisingly good at this). See an interesting, detailed description when you turn the page after each photo. A fun Valentine gift , especially for elderly antique collectors and flea-market addicts.
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